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Both Jailbreaking and unlocking is carried out to be free from many of Apple’s ‘unwanted’ restrictions. After you Jailbreak your Apple device such as iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you have unrestrained access to the device’s file system and are at full liberty to modify the system.

Now, you don’t see many people jailbreaking or unlocking their iPhone. As you can guess, warranty concerns are the primary reason due to which the average consumer steps back when it comes to jail breaking. Apple still hasn’t budged from their anti-jailbreaking stance, but their stand on unlocking had evolved over the years until it was officially legalised back in 2014.

Before you attempt either of them, it’s important that you understand the consequences incurred by them. If everything goes as expected, well and good. In the unfortunate event that if something goes wrong, you need to know what will become of your warranty.

Jailbreaking = No Warranty

"Unauthorized modification of iOS is a violation of the iOS end-user software license agreement and because of this, Apple may deny service for an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch that has installed any unauthorized software." Says Apple.

If you’ve seen jailbroken phones receive warranty, it is only because they have succeeded in removing the jailbreak and restoring the iPhone to its factory settings in such a way that concealed the jailbreak that was previously done. And this is not pretty easy. So, attempt jailbreaking if you’ve already run out of your warranty period.

Unlocking = May or May Not Void Warranty

Since unlocking is legalized in the US, this variant is better than jailbreaking. If your phone is unlocked through authorized sources such as official technicians of Apple after a definite period of time (usually after the two-year contract you signed at purchase is over), you are protected.

Keep in mind that unlocking using do-it-yourself software and other third-party service centers will also lose out on your warranty since they are unauthorized according to Apple.

If you're jailbreaking or unlocking your phone more than a year after you bought it, it's out of warranty anyway so it’s best that you attempt jailbreaking or unlocking after the same. Apple Experts Doha is one of the best iPhone service centers in Doha that has successfully repaired thousands of iPods, iMacs, iPhones, iPads and more. We undertake all kinds of iPhone, iMacs, iPhones, iPads repairs and restoration. So, give us a call at “+974 4432 2733” for any queries or Apple repairs.